"Innovation by Tradition" has been more than 115 years the motto of our company.
Beyond the mainstream, we focus on our core competence in the field of innovative and traditional production in rubber processing. Long-term partnerships, performance orientation and humanity as quality characteristics, are an integral part of our corporate culture.
All areas of our company are involved in a closely networked quality management.
Direct and transparent communication channels guarantee qualitative, quantitative and temporal delivery deadlines.
In this context, the comprehensive settlement of the customer requirements is always at the center of our activities.
Gummi Hansen puts explicit value on the highest quality at suppliers and other service providers. For the majority of our contractors we already enjoy decades of business.
Gummi Hansen produces already for many decades sustainably and resources-friendly.
Our products and manufacturing technologies are subject to a continuous improvement process in all relevant environmental areas.
We offer secure jobs to our employees and will increase their quality of life in and outside the company by a prudent business policy.
Increasing demands and always new fields of application of our products require special commitment to development and production engineering.
Our competitive edge is regularly documented by the development of new products and processes.
2014 Gummi Hansen expanded its product portfolio as to products from AflasĀ® and is the world's only manufacturer of autoclave vulcanized rings and frames.
The promise to keep our product portfolio and our manufacturing technology always up to date, requires permanent process optimization.
On this basis, all business processes in terms of qualitative, economic and ecological potentials are regularly reviewed and adjusted.
The consistent expansion of our product range and recipes as well as opening up new markets for decades strengthens our market position.
Prerequisite for this are ongoing investments in research and development, machinery and in particular the competence and quality of our employees.
2017 we open for example a new and modern education and training center for our commercial skilled workers and trainees.